Friday, June 8, 2012

my food journey so far...

I used to think vegetarians were crazy, I interpreted their altruism as self-righteous and believed such extremes were unnecessary because eating meat is part of who we are. Luckily after a particularly wonderful 4 day yoga retreat in late 2010, I realised that my meat intensive diet wasn’t the right choice for my body. Following this, I did some investigation into the ethics of meat production and I finally understood. Not all vegetarians object the killing and eating part (although some do, which is fine), but most of them agree that the way most meat is produced through factory farming methods, results in the highly questionable treatment of animals, making it difficult to consume with a clear conscience. In addition, the environmental cost of the intensive production of meat is unsustainable. If everyone ate lentils instead of beef, the environment would be in a much better place.

Unfortunately I, like many people, really enjoy eating meat. Personally I enjoy a great love for seafood and bacon (not necessarily together). So my resolution to this ethical dilemma is to eat limited meat and if I do, I endeavour try to buy ethically farmed produce. Buying ethically raised meat is difficult and for some animals it’s potentially not 100% achievable…. but we can try yes? The phase “I eat a lot of vegetables” or “I don’t eat that much meat” makes me laugh, because it’s entirely subjective. But in this blog you will encounter my efforts to eat flexitarian and be kinder to the environment as well as my body.

In addition, I’ve noticed a large number of blogs based around healthy eating go to what I consider unsustainable extremes with the use of things like protein powder and excluding egg yolks from recipes in order to increase the protein and decrease the fat. I don’t think it needs to be that hard or elaborate. I believe eating food in its primary form whether it’s vegetables, meats, nuts, fruits or grains, is the best way to nourish yourself, plus once you develop some good eating habits, it isn’t that hard. I promise to include any indulgences; I eat Chinese yum cha like anyone else… so here goes nothing...

today's lunch

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