Monday, September 3, 2012

Canadian Highlights

I apologise for my hiatus - I'm finally home from my travels and hoping to get back into a regular blogging routine! Canada was great, I pretty much hiked, rock climbed and ate my way across the country. At times I found eating out challenging, it's hard to stay healthy in some situations... but there were definite highlights..... including..
bulk blueberries from Cosco = Blueberry heaven..

Snacks while hiking - sugar snap peas, tiny (freakish) carrots, laughing cow cheese, ritter sport chocolate (Germany I love ya'), lindt dark chocolate, rye and beer sourdough from Wild Flower Bakery and a packet of BBQ shapes bought by special delivery from Perth to Calgary.
Hmmm doesn't food attract bears...?

A special lunch at a friends family ranch near Medicine Hat in Alberta. It included macaroni salad, beans, some kind of vegetable dip and home made German Sausages (the highlight!) 
My first ever cinnamon bun freshly made at Wieners of Waterton was pretty nice. Apparently if you make these at home you can't skimp on the butter syrup sauce...

A breakfast burrito at 3pm at Nellie's Cosmic Cafe in Calgary was soooo good. A wholemeal tortilla with scrambled eggs, refried beans, black olives and avocado. Two things Canadians do way better than Aussies - all day breakfasts and Mexican themed food!
I had a 8 oz steak at Nick's Steakhouse with a giant roast potato, it was meatastic! The local indigenous people used to survive on meat and berries - so really eating a giant piece of meat in Alberta is actually kind of sustainable.... 
I enjoyed deep fried cod, prawns and scallops at the "World famous" Ches's in St John's, Newfoundland. Washed down with a Dominion Ale (apparently a mans beer). I don't usually get excited about hot chips - but these were super yum! 

An espresso and Montreal bagel with cream cheese in St John's, Newfoundland (*not pictured, huge servings of smoked salmon and gravlax from the wedding brunch I attended.... Mmmm salmon)
My excitement over picking fresh raspberries (for the first time in my life) was impossible to contain!
Hiking to the top of Mt Bourgeau summit (Banff township in background)... priceless!

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